Friday, March 18, 2011

Out of balance

I've put in hours and hours of training time, including making some time for yoga and weights and now I'm hitting the peak of my training and I'm feeling the exhaustion and stress of everything.  I feel behind in grading, behind in planning, cranky, tired, and just worn out.  I've decided I need to invest in my health and take a sick day.  I don't like taking sick days frequently because I always worry I might actually get sick for a prolonged period of time and I won't have enough leave to make it up.  Granted I'm pretty healthy and very rarely miss work except for conferences and the occassional mental health or travel day, but I still feel a bit guilty leaving my hooligans.  However, I secured the sub I trust the most and threw in the towel for the week to get some grading done and spend a few more hours in my pjs.  
    This isn't the first time I've felt down and out while training, but these are the ways I try and cope when the days start getting to me.
1. make time for sleep, missing a workout won't kill me, missing sleep may kill a student
2. make a to do list: if I keep in mind what is most important I realize I don't have as much work as i think and I will focus a bit better
3. Plan workouts with friends, groups, or your favorite instructors to get you out the door
4. Slow down: Sometimes when I feel sluggish it helps to get the workout in but at a slower pace, my legs have trouble working so they are less likely to fight me.
5. Reevaluate training: if my current schedule isn't working or is killing me I need to take a look at how to fit everything in better
6. Get some good laughs helps to stay positive
I hope everyone else is doing well with their training and if you have any other suggestions on how to keep motivated I can always use them.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

This week in training

So far I've made it through 11 weeks of my 18 week training plan and I'm on the downward slope toward Wildflower.  Last week was a dial back week for me so this is the first week I've really been able to pick up my mileage in 3 weeks.  I've managed to battle illness, the weather, and a mini vacation to Tahoe, and get back on track this week.

This month is ridiculously busy between Trojan Olympics (student class competition), exit exam testing, and the last full month of instruction time before the California State Standardized or STAR Tests.  Since my sophomores (I'm a co-advisor for class of 2013) is on Monday nights I've adjusted my schedule for a Monday rest day.  After coaching, helping, critiquing, and trying to overpower 40+ sophomores until 9:30 at night I figured this would be a long week.

I set my alarm for 5:15 so I could hit the gym for my weekly weight lifting session.  I tried to keep the weights lighter on squats and lunges because my afternoon is track workout, I guess this plan turned out to be a success because my legs felt great at track, but unfortunately, I can't say the same for my stomach.  This weeks workout was 1mile, 2 mile, 1 mile at 10k pace or slightly slower.  I got to the track early to get an early start, the good news is I did pretty well on my first mile (7:21), the bad news is after the second mile my stomach cramped some of the worst cramps I've ever had on the track.  I thought an easy 400 might make them go away so I figured I'd modify my workout a bit, but they just got worse, so my second mile read 7:28 and from there I cooled down completing 6.31 miles.
I had gone to the track early because I planned on running 3 miles at lululemon in Walnut Creek.  I figured I would stick to the plan and take it slow if I was cramping.  The thing was, I felt great in the beginning, so my friend Diane and I kicked it up a notch after a warm-up mile.  Mile 2 started out strong at an 8:12 pace, but then my stomach sought revenge on mile 3, I still ran an 8:16, but it was painful and as much as I needed to go faster to get to the restroom, I just couldn't do it.  Damn those GI tract issues!  I still finished my 10 miles for the day despite my rough running sessions.

I needed a boost of confidence in my swim so I decided to do a full 1500 in the pool.  I started with a 200 swim, 200 pull, 200 kick warm-up and then did the full 1500.  I timed myself at approximately 32 minutes which isn't too bad considering I don't think my form is that great, nor are my flip turns.  After a short cool down I changed, grabbed my music and went off to brick it at spin class.  I needed to get 85 minutes in so I spun for a while before class started.  I felt awful at first, sluggish and tired, but at around 20 minutes I felt great.  I made it through 80 of my 85 minutes (would have had to cut into more swim time to do 85).  Then I did abs with the group and headed home exhausted.

I hit the gym early for an a.m. spin.  Today was hill repeats which I LOVE!  I was a little bummed I have to leave class early for work, but I got in 65 minutes with some tough hills.  I'd be back after work for a run and yoga workout.  On Thursday I babysit the chess club after school so my amount of time to workout really depends on how fast they pack up and how bad traffic is.  I made it to the gym in time to fit in 5.5 miles of running in.  Although I felt the hill repeats I warmed up and punched it for 3 tempo miles 7:46, 7:41, 7:30.  After running it took every ounce of will power to stretch it out at yoga, but I made it, felt good, and ended with a almond butter and jelly sandwich and an 8:30p.m. bedtime.

I just couldn't bring myself to make it to the gym.  My back was aching and I wasn't feeling too hot.  Oh well, sometimes it happens

Set out my cycling clothes the night before, got up early and got myself and my bike together.  Rode to the meeting spot with my boyfriend and his roommate and then headed out with the group doing the 3 bears loop.  My legs felt awesome at first, but unfortunately the tide turned and they began to ache.  I made all 50ish miles, but it was a tough ride for me.  Although I probably should have bricked with a short run I knew I had a long evening ahead of me so I opted for a nap instead (friend's 30th birthday party).  The nap was definitely worth it.

Most of my triathlon/running friends were doing the Shamrock 5k, I opted for staying in bed since I only like doing 5ks occasionally, since they can be rather painful.  Once I finally felt rested I got myself together and headed out for a leisurely run to Lafayette.  I chose this route because it has a few steep hills and I have been avoiding hills when I run due to an ongoing injury.  I felt great ran around a 8:45 pace for 8 miles and then stretched it all out and made sure to roll so I don't feel those hills tomorrow.

Overall a pretty good week, but my goal is to fit more swimming in next week and really focus on my nutrition for Tuesday so I don't have a repeat from this week.  Still 7 more weeks to go, I need to stay positive, stay in shape, and push myself.

Anyone training for anything?  How did your week go?