Sunday, August 21, 2011

This week in training...

Last weekend started with the Folsom Sprint Triathlon where what I thought was going to be the race from hell actually ended up being a pretty good time with some pretty awful race photos.   After an early morning at Folsom Nick and I rested up and packed up to head down to southern California.

Sunday: I planned to get a long run in before we left, but that was an epic fail, I was just too tired.  Oh well, I needed a rest day anyway!  Instead we took our time traveling by stopping in San Luis Obispo and hitting up Firestone and Splash Cafe, thinking about how much everything has changed since college.

Monday: I knew I planned on getting 7 in today so I got up and headed out on the beach.  I have always loved running on the beach, but today my legs weren't too happy about it, probably seeking revenge from last week.  Plus, no garmin, so 8 horrible miles later I was finally finished and relieved.  Then we headed off to Laguna to enjoy the sun and check out the rooftop lounge.

Tuesday: Nick and I headed to Catalina and since I didn't have the motivation to wake up before I had to I decided this would be a rest day.  I haven't been to Catalina since high school and we got lucky with perfect weather.

Wednesday: My mom wanted me to try out her Zumba class and I had to get 6 miles of intervals in so Nick and I headed to the gym for some treadmill intervals (2x800, 2x400, 4x200) and then I shook my butt for an hour (oh to be a fly on those walls).  Then we visited the Aquarium of the Pacific and met up with our friends Mary and Tom for a late evening happy hour later on.

Thursday: We headed home, much faster than on the way down, and despite my exhaustion I headed out for a 5 mile very easy run, finishing at sports basement for the Walnut Festival Run registration party.

Friday: My friend Kim asked me to join her for 14 miles of Mt. Diablo trails.  Unfortunately,  the morning wasn't treating me so well.  My  car battery was dead, but luckily Kim's husband picked me up and took me to the start.  I felt real great for a while and after 7 miles we headed on the summit trail.  I walked some of the steeper hills and got a bit ahead of the other ladies so I missed the turn off.  Kim caught me, but since I had to add a 1.25 mile home after the run I ended up with 17.6 miles of running and 2,446 feet of climbing.  My long run was supposed to be 10 this week, needless to say I was walking slow the rest of the day.

Saturday: Both Nick and his roommate got sick Friday and didn't feel any better on Saturday.  I woke up early and headed out solo to volunteer for Tri for Fun #3.  Once I made it home I was stiff and exhausted.  I planned on riding a bit, but ended up just being a lazy bum occasionally running errands for the sicklys.

Sunday: My friend Laney and I met up for a ride and I was relieved she wanted to start at 9 so I could try and sleep a bit.  We met down the street and headed out to Moraga.  We had a great 33 miler on my favorite route and now my legs can retire until tomorrow.

My week ended with:
Run: ~37
Swim: none: just didn't have time
Bike: 33
Other Crosstrain: 1 hour Zumba

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