Friday, January 20, 2012

A bit of a cliche

I don't know why, but lately I feel like my life is like one of those posters that says you know you're a ___________ when...  Since I have been plagued with what I am pretty sure is food poisoning I've had some time to write mine down.

You know you are a triathlete when...
You calculate how fast you should be running every interval pace to try and perform at your goal pace
You have at least one toenail missing or a black toenail, otherwise you just aren't working hard enough
You can't just own one pair of running shoes because there are shoes for trails, shoes for the track, shoes to alternate between so they don't get too many miles, shoes for the gym, cycling shoes, fins
You begin to calculate your calories in liquid, powder or gel form
You plan your routes based on where there is a port-o-potty or water fountain just in case
You decide whether you are going out or staying in based on how many miles your training schedule says you should run, swim, or bike
You spend most/all of your fashion allowance on workout attire
You trick yourself into running further by promising yourself some fatty reward (CUPCAKES are always worth a few more miles no matter the pain)
You think 8a.m. is sleeping in and 9a.m. is just wasting the day away
Your best friend is a stick of anti-chafe or a tube of chamois butter
You often shower 2 or even 3 times a day pending your workout schedule
You are outdoors in shorts when it is 60 degrees or colder outside because once you warm-up you know you'll overheat
You think of hitting the pool in terms of laps instead of cannonballs or pina coladas
You understand a new language made up of scull, drag, pace, cadence, fartlek, etc.
You pride yourself on skills like how fast you can change a tire or how quick you put your running shoes on in transition
You sometimes feel as though rest day is just a suggestion instead of part of your training plan
You have nightmares about forgetting your race day gear at home, getting sick race week, or getting a flat tire
Sometimes your sick days conveniently follow race days....

There are probably many I have forgotten, but this is what I think when I think triathlon season, and I'm  EXCITED!

So what did I forget?

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Moving into Week 7 and week 1 at the same time

This week has been a rough week for me in terms of training.  My stomach has had it's way with me and with this week being finals week for my students I've run myself down to nothing trying to get everything graded in time, but with the help and support of great friends, family and my boyfriend I've survived and am on my way to a new semester and week 7.
Monday: Spin
After doing some hip abductor exercises for my knees and spending some time on the stairmaster I headed to my FAVORITE spin instructor's class.  I worked my butt off and surprisingly hit the 20 mile mark by the end of the class (the new Clubsport bikes are great).

Tuesday: Tempo
I intended to get up for weights, but I just didn't sleep well so I decided to tempo after work.  I needed to do 3x2miles at MP, and although my stomach wasn't too happy with this run I actually did okay.  After my run I went to lululemon run for a short and slow 3 miles.  My tempo was...8:02, 7:54, 7:59, 7:58, 8:02, 7:48.

Wednesday: Easy day
Tried to get some weights in, especially for my knees so I hit the gym with some easy cycling and a bit of time on the stairmaster and then I headed home.

Thursday: Track
Had some new track peeps and enjoyed the company of my usual track friends.  We had a long, but fun, set to do 3x(800, 600, 400, 200) with a 200 between intervals and 600 between sets.  My last set was a little lonely, but I made it through all 3:32, 2:43, 1:46, :51; 3:26, 2:37, 1:44, :54, 3:34, 2:42, 1:45, :50.

Friday: Rest
After a long day I was relieved to relax on the couch

Saturday: 18 mile progressive/not so progressive long run
Planned on running with the group and I was going to try and keep up with Scott and Amy, but unfortunately I couldn't keep up and I got a little lost on the route.  The problem was I couldn't find my turn at mile 10 so it ended up being an out and back (this doesn't add up to 18 by the way).  I started running the uphill back to my car and I got an awful feeling deep in my stomach.  I had been running real well up until mile 13 which is where I planned to pick up the pace, but my stomach was a no go and at mile 15 I stopped at the port-o-potty behind SRV High.  I mentally and physically pushed myself through the last 3 grueling miles, I was determined to finish.  At 18 I walked the last two to the car feeling worse and worse with each step.  My stomach decided it was spent and so upon reaching starbucks I threw-up (in the toilet luckily), but I was eager to make it home.  I was useless for the rest of the day.

Sunday: Tae Bo/Hike
I planned on riding, I actually even asked my friend Nicki if she would change days on her training schedule so we could ride Sunday, but after my incident on Saturday, sunday ride was not looking like such a good idea.  Instead I ended up trying out a class at the gym with Laney which was a lot of fun.  After Tae Bo we headed to Sports Basement and then joined her friend Cameo to hike the Lafayette Reservoir.

Now I'm tired, and ready to gear up for WEEK1 of Wildflower Triathlon Training!
Next Event: Waterfront 10Miler