Saturday, March 26, 2011

The next event...

The last 13 weeks I have been training for the wildflower triathlon and I still have 5 more weeks to go.  However, I have already started thinking about what other events that may be included in my year.  The reason I often plan ahead is because many events have deadlines where the price goes up or they may fill up immediately.  I have already signed up to run Bay to Breakers following Wildflower and my second olympic triathlon is this summer in Pleasanton, California International Triathlon, but earlier this week I decided to add another big event to my race/event calendar.  A MARATHON!  I have only marathoned once before in June 2010, Rock n' Roll San Diego, so I decided enough time has passed that I'm going to give a triathlon closer to home a try, California International Marathon (CIM).
      The last time I marathoned I made a few mistakes that cost me some clock time and provided me with an ongoing injury (piriformis syndrome as my doctor calls it).  However, I know more now than I did before and I also know more people than I did before that are experienced in the marathon area.  My last time was 4 hours and 14 minutes which is not an awful time for a first marathon, but I was on track until mile 20 to make it to the finish in under 4 hours.  However, my injury became too much for me to handle and I just couldn't make it to the finish without walk running a mile or two.  I've looked at my calendar and decided I can give myself plenty of rest time to try to heal any injuries I have from the time I do CIT to the time I do CIM.  I'm very excited about trying to marathon again and I'm hoping that I will cut a good chunk of time off my current time.  Now comes the training which means this summer I'll checking out a few different training schedules to avoid injury, include speed work, and keep up with some of my triathlon training (crosstraining).

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A week needing do-overs

I've found that there are always weeks while training that kick my butt, and this was one of them.  I didn't get all my workouts in, heck, I didn't even make it into the pool, I didn't lift any weights, and I didn't get to stretch it all out with yoga.  I felt as though everything was working against me this week.
Monday: Had to start out as a rest day since I had work until 9:30p.m.  Once I finally made it home it took me until midnight to fall asleep to I opted to skip morning weights.

It is this day along with rain that threw me off entirely.
I tracked on tuesday, but I missed the lululemon run because of 5 accidents due to idiots and rain.

Wednesday I couldn't bring myself to hit the pool so I ran 4 easy and spent 95 minutes on the bike.  I felt pretty good doing both, but I still felt disappointed with myself for not hitting the pool.

Thursday I did the 5a.m wake up call to spend 80 minutes on the spin bike including my favorite HILL REPEATS!  I meant to hit the gym a second time but between exhaustion and St. Paddy's day festivities I opted for a much needed drink.

Friday I rested, I didn't have anything in me and the rain kept me entirely unmotivated.  I ended up taking a 3 hour nap and still managed to sleep like a baby through the night.  I'm pretty sure I needed this.

Saturday my mom came to town and with the rain I only got in 1 hour of spinning, but it was better than nothing

Sunday I'm pleased to say I got all my running miles/minutes in throughout the week, but this was my only real accomplishment.  I'm a bit disappointed in myself for not pushing harder and I know I'll have to be on the ball this week and the rest of the coming month so I'm sure to be ready for Wildflower.  I'm doing some extra planning today in the hopes that my plans for the week will work out, but with Trojan Olympics this week I'll have 2 late nights at work.

I'm thinking training for a tri during this busy time of year wasn't the best idea, but I'm going to try my hardest to push myself and keep motivated.  All is not lost with 1 week!